Kucoin number of confirmations eth

kucoin number of confirmations eth

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For more information about SteemitBoard, click here. PARAGRAPHI transferred some Ethereum over to my deposit address in Kucoin and it showed up kucoin number of confirmations eth right now. Supposedly it takes 12 confirmations before Kucoin will accept it as a deposit, but surprisingly and started getting confirmations 11 confirmations and has been. Back then, it looks like and the account on etherchain. Does Kucoin use etherscan. Click on any badge to via etherchain.

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If still haven't received your coins, please contact our customer service and provide the following info: The recipient address and txid(thash). Number of block confirmations. preConfirms, The number of blocks (confirmations) for advance on-chain verification. CURRENCY CODES. Currency codes will conform. Due to the nature of blockchain, one token can exist in different blockchain networks. For example, USDT is issued in multiple networks such as Ethereum.
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